Legal battle as Northern and Southern Senators Clash During debate on killer herdsmen, see what Happened

 Tempers rose at Wednesday's Senate plenary during the legislative debate on weakness that has now become a menace in Nigeria.

In a motion on "General insecurity in Nigeria", Which was sponsored by Senator Boroffice, Robert Ajayi representing Ondo North Senatorial district and Co- Sponsored by all others, the senate demanded that lawbreakers operating in the nation should be flushed out.

However, no sooner than senators got agitated over banditry, assault and capturing which they accepted, would dismember the country if nothing was done to curtail it.

In her contribution senator Olujimi Biodun representing Ekiti North senatorial district demanded that the federal government should act rapidly, expressing that no nation experiences this high level of slaughtering by herders and its administration's actually shows laid- back attitude in capturing the circumstance. She said such a nation will not survive.

" We are living in denial on the state of instability in the country. Also, I imagine that it is essential we declare a state of emergency on the country's security as we did with the COVID19 since weakness has more casualty figures in Nigeria than COVID19."

Contributing, Binos Yero representing Adamawa south senatorial district proposed that the title of the motion should have been " Menace of Fulani herdsmen in Nigeria", saying that they are behind the security catastrophe in Nigeria, while they actually make most of the government's backing.

In any case, senator Abdulahi Adamu representing Nasarawa west and former governor of Nasarawa state carpeted Oyo state government for evicting Fulani herders over their supposed inclusion in capturing and banditry in south west.

Adamu said that the 1999 constitution ensures Nigerians to live anywhere and conduct their organizations, demanding that political leaders shouldn't stoke fire by requesting that some ethnic gatherings quit.

In a quick response to Adamu's position, senate minority leader, Enyinnaya Abaribe faulted him, saying instability in the country was being trivialized by certain lawmakers.

He said:" Mr president, distinguished partners, no one was asked to leave for good anywhere, it was lawbreakers that were approached to stop forest reserves.

" All hoodlums operating in the nation should be flushed out," the legislator demanded.

Representative Michael Opeyemi representing Ekiti central depicted illegal occupation of grounds as trespass which he said, was scowled at by the constitution.

He proposed that state governors ought to be enabled in a way that they can handle the menace and other crimes inside their jurisdictin.

On a last note, the senate encouraged the executive to among others, implement the public livestock transformation plan which it said is a cutting edge plot intended to eliminate tran-saltruistic to prevent heder conflicts and enact highly productive livestock sector in Nigeria.


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